Friday, August 3, 2007

here & then gone

summer evening, originally uploaded by sammarin.

I was back in Sacramento for a few days... a few short days. And now I am headed out for Portland for a week. I'll visit Dan and family and then see Dad the following weekend. We talked about camping, but now it seems like we might just take a spin somewhere in the PacNW and stay in motels.

It feels like I've unpacked and am just repacking again. Well that's probably because... it's true!

I look forward to a little bit of nothingness when I get back home next week.


serabug said...

Welcome home? Or maybe welcome back? Not sure what to say now that you've already come and gone! ;-) Anyway, hope it was a good trip and I hope you enjoy the time with your family as well. Not sure I'll see you when you get back as we leave on Aug. 20th. Hopefully, I'll catch you soon after we get back. K-

Joe said...

Thanks for the awesome postcard. It instantly became one of my alltime favorites, destined to be held onto forever.

Hope you're well -- drop me a line!