Thursday, August 9, 2007

The sense and sound of being underwater

bug view, originally uploaded by sammarin.

When I woke up this morning, the house was totally silent. It seemed like you could actually hear the blank space. And then there were a few rusty goose honks outside, and I realized where I was...

As I walked downstairs, I saw the lonely 4:00 timer for timeouts and walked past a pile of stuffed moose on the sofa and thought it was a pile of my nephew Paul. Isabella's bed is all rumpled and empty. The family left this morning for a wedding in Vancouver, and it feels eerie to be here on my own today.

The underwater feeling might have something to do with my fierce head cold. I slept in and still felt tired. Then I took a bath and ate some all bran, which felt very adult. I plan to dedicate today to Water for Elephants, but I might be sucked from my book, back down into a sick nap. I guess I shouldn't resist - it is quiet enough, after all...

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